Jun 13, 2021
In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Professor Lourdes Casanova, the senior lecturer of management and director of Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell University. She has been devoting her research in emerging markets multinational companies for many years with numerous publications and books regarding multinational companies.
Introduction and Overview
- Lourdes focuses her research on emerging multinationals (2:10)
Emerging Multinationals vs Multinational Companies from Advanced Countries
- Emerging Multinationals
• Younger companies (5:16)
• Companies born in an unstable and volatile environment (5:28)
• Go global to avoid intrinsic risk of home environment (5:54)
- Chinese Multinationals (6:11)
• More stable environment (6:17)
• Support of the government (6:24)
• Large internal market to build support for company (6:31)
Role of Government in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) (7:45)
- Importance of innovation (8:36)
- Benefit from:
• Growth of their own economy (11:18)
• Size of their domestic economy (12:02)
• Support of the government (12:06)
• Early adopters of technology (12:23)
- Covid-19 crisis vs. 2008 financial crisis impacts to Chinese Companie (13:47)
• Overseas mergers and acquisitions
• Growth in other emerging markets (16:05)
• Growth in technology and learning (16:44)
Regional Trade Agreements and Initiatives
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) (17:40)
- Belt and Road Initiative (19:27)
- Other China and emerging market collaborations (20:17)
Future of Belt and Road Initiative (22:13)
Role of Chinese Companies in the Worldwide ESG Revolution
- More countries and citizens are asking companies to be part of the solution
- Corporate social credit ratings (26:29)
- Increased transparency and higher standards (27:21)
Governance Models and ESG standards for Emerging Markets Countries (28:19)
Guest Contact Information
Professor Lourdes Casanova
Email: Lourdes.casanova@cornell.edu
Twitter: @lourdescasanova
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/lourdes-casanova/0/23a/11
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CornellEMI/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emicornell/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjP0mTfBVNB7WSUHXMnsYAw/featured